Whether it's catching up with old friends over bagels, or welcoming new guests with a l'chaim, kiddush at the Greenpoint Shul is a highlight of our Shabbat. Kiddush sponsorships make this hospitality possible, and we are grateful for your support. Our typical Shabbat morning kiddush includes wine, challah, bagels, cream cheese, salads, vegetables, fruit, and babka or rugelach. Special requests can also be made, and we'll do our best to accommodate. Please email info@greenpointshul.org if you have any questions.
A list of upcoming kiddush dates is below. We welcome co-sponsors if more than one party wishes to sponsor on a given date.
So that we can accommodate your requests, please submit this form at least one week in advance of the kiddush. If you would like to sponsor with less than one week's notice, please email info@greenpointshul.org to see if your request can be accommodated before submitting the form. See you in the social hall!
Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785
Friday Evening
Please join us for Kabbalat Shabbat & Maariv at 6:00pm.
Shabbat Morning
Please join us for Shacharit at 9:30am. The Torah reading begins at approximately 10:30am, with the Drasha (sermon) at 11:45am. We conclude with community Kiddush at 12:30pm.